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3D flowerbox

The 3d flowerbox on the site and the download does not match the one from windows XP and this video link (it is the equivalent product, but specifically the bouncing motion does not match)

I need the 3d flowerbox that bounces around the same like windows XP/the video above

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DelvinH4 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

2 replies

  • Hello Delvin,

    Are you sure it's not just a matter of how the screensaver is configured? Perhaps the author of the video made some changes in the 3D Flower Box settings panel:

    Settings panel of 3D Flower Box screensaver on Windows 10

    I'm pretty sure this version is the one included with Windows XP.

    A moderator edited this post 4 years ago.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • Sorry, it looks like you're right! I just pulled it from a Windows XP computer and that seems to be a slightly different version (possibly Direct3D instead of OpenGL).

    Download it here and please let me know if that's what you were looking for.

    I've updated the file on the 3D Flower Box page as well.

    Thanks for bringing it to my attention!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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