3D Four Seasons Screensaver...Virus Threat??
I downloaded the screensaver last week, and it works fine, now, after I downloaded the fix for it to work. My problem is, one of my two antivirus programs keeps flagging as a potential threat. I run two different kinds of scans with my AVG antivirus and nothing shows up, but when I run the Malwarebytes antivirus, 18 files are flagged as potential threats every time. What’s going on?
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6 years ago
iOS 11.2.5, Google CriOS
4 replies
Hello Sarah,
Glad the fix worked for you! And rest assured, none of our downloads are infected.
Does Malwarebytes indicate which files are potential threats? If so, does that include either the 3dfourseasons.exe or ScreensaversPlanet_Flash_Fix.reg file?
Here's an anti-virus report for the 3D Four Seasons screensaver, and this one is for the fix. These reports are from multiple anti-virus programs, including Malwarebytes, and none of them can find fault with these files.
If you can pull up the list of potential threats reported by Malwarebytes, it should tell you which files are flagged and what the name of the alleged threat is.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
Hey Rob,
I ran it again, and the threat type is "Potentially Unwanted Pr..." (I can't see the rest of it) and the name is "PUP.Optional.F..." (again, I can't see the rest of it). The majority are files, but a couple are folders and a couple are "Registry K...".
6 years ago
At the top of the table that shows all the potentially unwanted programs, you can click the whitespace between the columns, e.g. between "Threat Type" and "Name", to widen any particular column so that you can better read the result.
You can do the same with the "Location" column, to show the full path of the file that is marked as a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) or malware.
I installed both Malwarebytes and the 3D Four Seasons screensaver, and get the same warnings as you. The reason they're marked as such is because the company that produced this screensaver, Freeze, has also released other screensavers that did contain adware, i.e. sponsored co-installations of other commercial programs that noone really needs, such as browser toolbars. So it's by the reputation of that company that this screensaver is also flagged "Potentially Unwanted".
If AVG is not marking these files as suspicious, it's actually doing a better job, and you generally do not need multiple (reputable) anti-virus programs. However, if you'd like to keep Malwarebytes, you can use the above link to configure it to ignore files belonging to this screensaver, so that you can continue using it.
Again, there's absolutely no malware of any kind in this screensaver.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
Okay. Thanks so much!
6 years ago
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