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3D Pipes does not show in Personalize/Screensavers

I downloaded 3d pipes screen saver to my windows7 desktop. But its not show were the rest of screen savers are. I have an icon on my desktop to acess the screen saver. How do i get it to show in personlize\screensavers?

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Dwayne Gartman7 years agoWindows 7 x64, Internet Explorer

1 reply

  • Hello Dwayne,

    Please follow the instructions on the following help page to install 3D Pipes:
    How to install a screensaver from a ZIP file

    Basically, you'll have to copy the screensaver file (inside the ZIP file you downloaded) to the Windows folder on your hard drive, usually at C:\Windows.

    Let me know if you need further assistance.


    Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago

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