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3d Snowy Cottage Screensaver

This was always a great screensaver. I would love to have it again. Only, I get an error when trying to install the Macromedia Flash Player. I get the following error on my Win10 Pro PC:

Could not communicate with network server, error 3

403 forbidden

Then it only gives the option to abort or retry. I installed the .reg file called "ScreensaversPlanet_Flash_Fix" that was offered. But that didn't change anything.

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Steve4 years agoWindows 10, Firefox

1 reply

  • Hello Steve,

    How strange that the .reg file fix isn't working for you. I assume you closed the installer, then installed the registry fix, and then restarted the installation program?

    If the registry fix is successfully installed, it essentially tricks the screensaver installer into thinking that the Flash Player is, in fact, installed (even though it's checking for a very old version that we don't have, we do have the Flash Player). I've just tested this on a fresh Windows 10 machine and it seems to be working, and I can't imagine it would look for a different registry entry on your computer.

    Restarting the computer shouldn't be necessary, but I suppose it's worth a try. Perhaps you can also try the registry fix again, just to make sure it's installed.

    I can't think of any other options at the moment. Let me know how you get on!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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