Briblo screensaver not covering top of screen while using multiple displays.
I use three displays. My center display is portrait, rather than landscape oriented. I like Briblo, but it doesn't cover the top part of the screen. See this screenshot. Please advise. Thank you!
Otherwise, great screensaver!
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Corey Pendergrass
5 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
2 replies
Corey Pendergrass
5 years ago
Hello Corey,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
I have just now updated the Briblo screensaver to the latest available version. I do not see anything in the changelog regarding multiple monitors or monitor orientation, so I doubt it will fix the issue, but it might still be worth a try.
Other than that, I'm afraid I don't have a solution to this specific problem.
Hope that helps!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
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