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can screensavers be transparent?

Hi everyone! I'm using Windows 11, is it possible for a screensaver to be transparent and show over whatever is on my screen? Thanks for the help!

Sencha4 months agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

6 replies

  • Hello Sencha,

    There are a few desktop screensavers on the site that in various ways use whatever's on your screen at the moment the screensaver starts. There's Screen Scrambler, for example, or Desktop Destroyer and Falling Autumn Leaves, to name a few examples.

    Hope that helps!

    A moderator edited this post 4 months ago.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 months ago

  • Hi Rob, thanks for the reply! I tried using falling autumn leaves but the screen goes black when the screensaver starts, how can I fix this?

    Sencha4 months ago

  • Oh, that's strange. When I run it, it uses whatever's on my screen as the backdrop.

    Do the leaves not appear at all? How about one of the other screensavers?

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 months ago

  • On all screensavers I run they use a black screen as a backdrop. The leaves do appear but over a black screen :( Maybe it has something to do with Windows 11?

    Sencha4 months ago

  • I've tested the screensaver on two computers with Windows 11, and on both the screensaver showed the leaves on top of whatever was on my screen when it started.

    Not sure what may cause your screen to go black, and I don't have a solution available right now. It may be something specific to your computer's configuration.

    Sorry it's not working properly for you. I'll post back if I find a solution.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 months ago

  • Thanks for trying to help rob! <3

    Sencha4 months ago

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