Can't install into system32
When I installed the application, system told me "C:\Windows\System32\newspaperwall1080.scr an erro occurred while trying to create a file in the directory", I don't know how to fix this. Please help, thanks!
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Jason Chiu
5 months ago
Windows 10 x64, Sleipnir
6 replies
Hello Jason,
You may need to use administrator rights on your computer to be able to copy the screensaver file into the protected System32 folder. Open your Downloads folder, right-click the "newspaperwall1080.exe" file and choose "Run as Administrator".
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 months ago
Thanks, Rob,
I've tried to run as Administrator many times,
but it just didn't work.
Is there other way to solve this problem?Jason Chiu
4 months ago
Are you able to put any files into the Windows folder manually? For example, the newspaperwall1080.scr screensaver file contained in this ZIP archive file?
It's unlikely to work as a screensaver because the installation program also installs a configuration file, but just to check if you are allowed to put files there.
Perhaps a simpler question would be: are you able to install other screensavers?
A moderator edited this post 4 months ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 months ago
The zip file worked well!
I put them into system32 folder and run .exe again,
still error message, but now I can find it in the Screen Saver Settings.
Other screensavers with a installer had no problem in my computer,
it's really weird...but thanks again!Jason Chiu
4 months ago
Not sure why the installer wouldn't work, but glad this got it working for you!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 months ago
Jason Chiu
4 months ago
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