Color for Midnight Beach
When I upgraded to Windows 11, I lost the color for this. I loved it in blue, not so much in B/W. Is there a fix?
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Ron Thompson
2 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
4 replies
How strange, I've never seen it in black and white before.
Does this happen with other screensavers? And does it happen every time?
Everything else in Windows 11 is in color?
I don't think it's the screensaver, it has no embedded B/W version or options.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
2 years ago
No other screensavers, or anything else, seems to be affected. It's still B/W after uninstalling and reinstalling. I've switched over to another very similar screensaver, Moonlit Ship and that one works fine. I've rebooted several times since I lost the color on MB. Oh, well, it doesn't interfere with my computer usage or quality of life, so I'm not going to worry about it. Thanks for the reply.
Ron Thompson
2 years ago
I should have added: it may have lost some resolution, too. It's not nearly as crisp in B/W.
Ron Thompson
2 years ago
Midnight Beach screensaver reverted to b/w right after I installed the latest Nvidia driver update. Probably related?
Keith Cannon
2 years ago
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