Copy my screen saver photo
I have my own photo set as my screen saver.
I cannot locate that photo in my Pictures File.
How can I copy my photo from screensaver?
Thank you so much!
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susan jenkinson brett2 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome
4 replies
Hello Susan,
Are you looking for the photo that you are currently using as the background (or: wallpaper) for your desktop in Windows? A screensaver is a full-screen slideshow or animation that takes over the screen after a period of inactivity.
If so, open up the File Explorer in Windows, click on an empty bit of space in the address bar near the top of the window to reveal the path to the folder you're currently in (e.g. C:\Users\Susan\Documents), and replace it with:
You can copy and paste that into the address bar. Then press the Enter key.
Alternatively, you can press the Windows key on your keyboard + the letter R to bring up the "Run" window. Enter the above path and click OK.
Hopefully you'll find a copy of your current desktop background there.
Let me know if you need any further assistance.
A moderator edited this post 2 years ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 years ago
Thanks so much for trying! I tried both ways and the message is "Location is not available"
I appreciate your help!susan jenkinson brett2 years ago
I don’t know how but.. I got to “Background “ in Settings. I see the photo that is my background but, I can’t copy it? Any chance you know how to do that?
Thanks again!Susan brett2 years ago
In that case, try the following path:
You should see a file called "TranscodedWallpaper". Right-click that file, select "Copy", then paste it to a different location such as your desktop or "Pictures" folder. Right-click the file there and choose "Rename". You can change the name, but the important thing is to add .jpg to the end of the filename.
So you might end up with something like TranscodedWallpaper.jpg or Photo.jpg. You should then be able to open it like any other picture on your computer.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 years ago
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