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Could not communicate with network server error

I downloaded 2 screensavers, marked below. They downloaded fine. However I could not open either one. I kept getting "Could not communicate with network server error 3. 403 forbidden."
Thank you.

A moderator edited this post 7 years ago: Clarified error in the title of your post

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Renae7 years agoWindows 10 x64, Firefox

2 replies

  • Hello Renae,

    Thanks for posting to the message board.

    Yes, that is a known issue. The solution is written in the descriptions on the Night Before Christmas 3D and My 3D Christmas Tree pages. Basically, just download and execute this file, then retry installing them like before. You only need to do this once, and it should work for both screensavers. Hope it works for you, too!


    A moderator edited this post 7 years ago.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago

  • Thank you very much. For some reason I just didn't see that.

    Renae7 years ago

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