Custom image
on the 3D maze screen saver. I cant get the custom image working. Error message: Please select another texture for the screen saver. [file path.bmp] is not valid.
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1 year ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
1 reply
There cannot be any spaces in the path to the .bmp file. So a path like "C:\Users\Rob\Documents\3D Maze\custom texture.bmp" won't work, but "C:\Users\Rob\Documents\3DMaze\customtexture.bmp" would. So you may need to put the file in a different folder and/or rename the file name itself.
If, after that, it still doesn't work, you may also need to convert the BMP file. There are a few previous posts on that here on the message board, e.g. this one.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
1 year ago
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