Customizable presets in Flux screensaver?
you said this screensaver was customizable, with several presets. Well, I'm not seeing those customizable presets. is this because I'm using a laptop, because I'm missing something, or do you not exactly mean what you say?
A moderator edited this post 8 years ago: Clarified the title of the post.
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Ryan Wolfe
8 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
1 reply
Hello Ryan, thanks for posting your question.
In the Windows version of the Flux screensaver, the presets are called "Defaults" and can be found in the settings menu. Once you have installed the screensaver, open the Screen Saver Settings panel, select the "Flux" screensaver, then click the "Settings" button. A new window will be displayed where you should be able to find numerous customizable optionse, as well as the presets like "Hypnotic" and "Galactic".
Hope that works for you, too. Let me know if you need further assistance.
A moderator edited this post 8 years ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
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