File "Black ZR1 LS9 Engine Assembly Screensaver.exe" contains WIN32/Exploit.gen?
I need some reassurance that the screensaver "Black ZR1 LS9 Engine Assembly Screensaver" is safe. My "Panda" antivirus removes it after download claiming it contains "Win32/Exploit.gen" virus (info here: http://www.pandasecurity.com/homeusers/security-info/82046/information/Exploit.gen). I absolutely love the screen saver and would like to continue using it...but only if it's safe. Any input is appreciated. Thanks!
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7 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Firefox
1 reply
Hello Daniel,
Thanks for posting your concerns. I can assure you the file is completely harmless, and I'd like to submit it to Panda Security as a false positive, but the only method to do so seems to be through e-mail. Unfortunately, at 100 MB in file size, this particular screensaver is probably a bit too large for that, and their web form is limited to 5 MB.
Interestingly, in our own automated virus scans, Panda has fully cleared the file. You can find the report on the ZR1 LS9 Engine Assembly page, under the "Anti-virus" tab. There's only one anti-virus engine (Baidu) in that list that raises a flag (falsely). Apart from submitting a false positive report, there's not much we can do about that.
Basically, if a file actually contains a virus, you would see many other anti-virus engines raise a flag. If that's not the case, it's usually just a false positive.
Note that all screensavers on this site have also been reviewed manually (installed on one of our own test PCs). I'll happily vouch for this screensaver!
Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.
And enjoy the screensaver! We have a few more Engine Assembly screensavers.
A moderator edited this post 7 years ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
7 years ago
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