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Flash Player on Windows 10

A lot of your screensavers require flash to run.
Unfortunately Flash is no longer available nor is it allowed on Windows 10 (or maybe even Windows 11).
You suggest downloading a .reg file that looks like it will enable Adobe Flash.
What can someone use if you no longer have Flash?
Will any of your screensavers work on after-market flash players - such as Ruffle or BlueMaxima's Flashpoint?

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paulp5752 months agoWindows 10 x64, Firefox

2 replies

  • The .reg file is a fix that works only with a handful of screensavers created by the same company ( Those screensavers use Flash but can still work without it, for the most part at least, but the installers check to see if Flash is installed and won't proceed if it's not, so the Windows registry "hack" allows to circumvent that.

    Flashpoint and Ruffle unfortunately won't work with screensavers because the Flash animation files are embedded into the screensavers themselves.

    We've been able to alter some Flash-based screensavers so that they can work without Flash being installed, but have not yet been able to do so for every screensaver listed on the site, and it's not possible with every screensaver either.

    Is there a particular screensaver you'd like to get working again?

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 months ago

  • No screensavers in particular.
    Maybe change the wording in that announcement that it only disables Windows checking if flash is installed and you do not have to have flash installed.



    paulp5752 months ago

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