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Fliqlo, not working on both my monitors

Why doesn't it show on both monitors? I've downloaded the latest version(1.4) and it show only on my primary monitor, I will still use fliqlo just because it's the best, and it's free

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Woly4 years agoWindows 10 x64, Opera

13 replies

  • It's not working on mine anymore, something about the flash player, any tips?

    Reister Webb4 years ago

  • Just download it again, and make sure the old version in uninstalled

    Woly4 years ago

  • The developers have posted a new version not requiring flash player.

    Sashi4 years ago

  • I also cannot get it to work on multiple monitors - and even worse it is only showing on my secondary monitor, not primary

    Game_D4 years ago

  • Having the same issue. Uninstalled then installed the new version without requiring flash player, but it's only displaying on my secondary monitor, not my primary one....

    Steven4 years ago

  • Yes, it looks like the new version does not yet have support for multiple monitors. It's possible this will be added in the future, I expect the most important thing about this first new release was that the screensaver no longer requires Flash Player.

    Fingers crossed!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • I have the same problem, only showing up on my second monitor, NOT in the main screen.
    Also when I click on settings, no settings come up, just a copyright notice and when you click OK that goes, but NO settings come up

    Jeff Dean4 years ago

  • Jeff, in the new version of Fliqlo the settings panel is contained within the screensaver itself. When it runs, move your mouse to the bottom right of the screen. A cogwheel should appear. Click it once to change the screensaver's settings.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • In addition to what Rob said, Jeff, you can also get the "old" setting window if you search "Set as Default Screensaver" witch brings it up, you can change the minutes the pc has to "wait" until fliqlo kick in.

    Woly4 years ago

  • Thanks for that Rob and Woly. Now how like the old version, do we get it to show up on the main and second monitor. It did that automatically with the previous versions.

    Margaret Dean4 years ago

  • I downloaded the new fliqlo and its still not working, this is a real bummer because i used it all the time

    Reister Webb4 years ago

  • It's important that you uninstall the old version of Fliqlo before you install the new one, otherwise a conflict may arise and the screensaver will not work properly.

    Multiple monitors are not supported at this time. Hopefully this will be added in the future, but judging from the way this new version was built, it does not look too likely.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • Yeas i have some issues

    Fernando4 years ago

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