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Font color change isn't saved

I like the Word O'Clock screensaver, but when I go into settings and change the font color and click Close, the change isn't saved. Any suggestions on how to get it to work? Running on a Windows 10 PC with a fully working Flash Player.

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Paul4 years ago

2 replies

  • Hello Paul,

    Is your Flash Player still working because the Windows update that removes it hasn't been installed yet? I'm unable to get the Word O'Clock screensaver working as a result of that update, so that makes it difficult to troubleshoot your issue.

    The settings may be stored in a file somewhere, or in Flash local storage. Not being able to save changes usually involves a problem with permissions, but again I'm afraid I'm unable to dig any deeper as I can no longer run the screensaver.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

  • I posted my workaround to the whole Flash thing here:

    Paul4 years ago

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