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Fractal clock screen saver for iMac

the fractal clock on imac is going much too fast., can it be slowed down to normal speed ??????

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Roy Manning4 years agomacOS 10.15.1, Safari

1 reply

  • Hello Roy,

    That's strange, the animations should be roughly as fast as the clock's hand for the seconds. I can't replicate that on macOS Mojave, but I see you're using Catalina. Unfortunately, there are still a lot of bugs in Catalina related to screensavers.

    It could also simply be a compatibility issue between Catalina and the screensaver. I'm not too hopeful that would be fixed on the side of the screensaver's author, seeing as it hasn't been updated in about four years now.

    Hopefully future updates to Catalina will fix the issue. I'll keep an eye out for updates to the screensaver in the meantime, and will report back if I have news.

    And to answer your actual question: there are no settings available for this screensaver, so I'm afraid the speed of the animations cannot be customized.

    Sorry for the inconvenience!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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