Helios ScreenSaver for MAC
Does not work properly on Catalina. I will pay 100$ to anyone that can fix it
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Kirk McDonough
5 years ago
1 reply
Hello Kirk,
Unfortunately, Apple has changed many things in relation to screensavers in Catalina, breaking compatibility with hundreds of existing screensavers, and I'm afraid there's not much we can do about that. There are some reported bugs in the operating system that will hopefully be fixed in the near future, but there's no guarantee this will solve the problem with the Helios screensaver.
Some screensavers will be updated to support Catalina, but Helios hasn't been updated in about a decade, so I don't expect a new version to arrive anytime soon.
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
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