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Help with enabling audio support for Johnny castaway screen saver

While following the direction I have hit a snag at point 6

6. Again use the arrow keys to select the "Microsoft Windows 3.1 path", press Enter, and again press Enter to confirm setting the path to the default "C:\Windows".

After confirming path "c:\windows" <ENTER>
I get this message in a read box pop up:
The path C:\Windows does not exist
Please enter the correct path to your Microsoft windows 3.1 directory again
Press a key to continue
I have checked and my default windows file is: c:\windows

Any suggestions? Worst case scenario, I can try and relive my childhood memories in silence :(
Thanks for your help

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Brad7 years agoWindows 10 x64, Edge

1 reply

  • Hello Brad,

    Thanks for posting your question to the message board.

    The file you downloaded in Step 2 contains a "dosbox" directory that you need to extract to C:\. That "dosbox" directory includes a sub-directory named "WINDOWS", among other files and directories. So you should have a "WINDOWS" sub-directory within the "dosbox" directory at C:\dosbox.

    DOSBox runs in a virtual environment from the C:\dosbox directory, which becomes the root (or C:\). So within DOSBox, C:\ is, in fact, C:\dosbox on your hard drive, and C:\Windows in DOSBox corresponds to C:\dosbox\Windows on your computer.

    It's a little confusing. Please check if you have a "WINDOWS" folder in C:\dosbox.


    Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago

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