Hot to fix an error?
"Error in modMakeRandomWord.LoadArray: 5 invalid procedure call or arguement"
This error pops up when i try to use this screensaver.
Win7 x64 Proff
Linked pages
6 years ago
Windows 7 x64, Firefox
2 replies
Hello Gardy,
I have tried to get a hold of an older version of the Retro Sci-Fi screensaver, thinking perhaps that might work for you, but have not been able to find one. Nor could I find any solutions to this issue, despite seeing other reports of it occurring.
Here's a direct link to a ZIP file containing only the Retro SciFi screensaver file. Try placing that screensaver file in a location outside your Windows folder, e.g. your Desktop or your Downloads folder, then double-click it.
I assume the error appears when you start the screensaver, not when installing it?
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
Sadly, Yeah... error appears on the start.
Well, thank you for your attention and dedication!Gardy
6 years ago
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