How do I install the clock?
The website is not clear on how I make it my screensaver
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Bella 4 years agomacOS 10.15.4, Safari
1 reply
Hello Bella,
Once you've downloaded the installation file (for macOS this is currently called "Fliqlo 1.8.3.dmg"), it will be placed in your Downloads folder (by default, you can find this in your dock at the bottom of the screen). Simply open that file to start the installation program for the Fliqlo screensaver, and follow the steps.
After installation, you can find Fliqlo among your other screen savers in the Screen Saver panel (click "Desktop & Screen Saver" in your System Preferences).
Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago
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