How do you convert an MP4 file to a SCR format?
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Abra2 years agoWindows 8.1 x64, Firefox
2 replies
If you want to play a video as your screensaver, the simplest way is to use an existing screensaver that is designed to play a video file, such as Video Screensaver.
That doesn't generate a SCR file that you can distribute, though. If that's what you'd like, you'll need a screensaver creator with support for video files, such as Screensaver Factory, Screensaver Wonder or GPhotoShow Pro (there are many others).
The Video Screensaver is free, those screensaver creators can be tried out free of charge but require a $18-$40 purchase to unlock features and remove watermarks.
Hope that helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 years ago
Thank you, I can certainly use this.
Abra2 years ago
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