How to build a clock as screensaver?
Dear Screensaver Planet Community,
I am getting really excited about screensavers! And I think it is a very underestimated artform.
I am so excited that I want to build one by myself.
Does anyone know, how I can build a clock screensaver for mac and windows? It seems that iscreensaver does not do that.
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Swantje Uphoff
4 years ago
macOS 10.14.6, Google Chrome
2 replies
Hi Swantje,
That's correct. In fact, most (if not all) screensaver makers are designed to make it easier to create screensavers based primarily on images or videos. A clock screensaver requires logic (e.g. what time is it now?) that has to be programmed.
So I'm afraid the only way to create a clock screensaver is to learn a programming language like Swift or C# and write the code required to make it run on either Windows or Mac (can't use the same code for both, unfortunately).
If you're serious about it, there are lots of tutorials to be found on the Web, but if you're starting from scratch it's going to take a while to get the hang of it.
I'm glad to see you're excited about screensavers, of course! :-)
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 years ago
Dear Rob,
thanks so much! I thought it might be more complicated than drawing a clock.
: ((((
Puh! Will try the tutorials, though I do not know, whether the result will be that advanced, that it will be usable for others, not to mention passing your critical eyes and testings, if I want to distribute it on this website. ; ). I might ask some people that know better than me...Oh, yeah! I am really excited!!!!!
4 years ago
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