HTML Screen Saver error
When I use the HMTL screen saver on Windows XP or Windows 7, I am getting a error message of cancellation of the site. I double check the site and it works well and I have installed on other PC's. Any advice to why this is happening?
A moderator edited this post 8 years ago.
Linked pages
8 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Edge
1 reply
Hello Chris, thanks for posting. Can you share the URL (web address) that returns the error message? If you prefer not to share it publicly, you can e-mail it to info@screensaversplanet.com. I have just installed the HTML screensaver on Windows 7 and tested a few URLs, and they all seem to work okay. I should add that it's a fairly old screensaver, so it may not support all modern websites, but I gather from your post that the same URL does work with the same screensaver on other computers?
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
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