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I couldn't delete/uninstall a MacOS screensaver that I download from your website

I downloaded a screensaver call ISS screensaver from your website, installed in my MacBook. When I tried to choose it as my new screensaver it says it is not verified by the author, MacOS said I won't be able to use it because it needs to protect me from the malware. Then I can only choose the option of not using it. I wanted to delete that screensaver but I couldn't, it simply said 'unable to delete the screensaver'. I tried to find the saver file in Finder but still there is no any sign of showing up.

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Crystal4 years ago

1 reply

  • Hello Crystal,

    I'm sorry the screensaver did not work for you. The malware message can be circumvented, after installing the screensaver, by returning to the System Preferences panel, opening the "Security & Privacy" panel, and then clicking "Open Anyway" where it says "ISS Screensaver.saver" was blocked from use because it is not from an identified developer. You can then start the screensaver.

    I can't tell what version of macOS you're using, but judging from the malware protection it's probably Catalina (10.15), and that doesn't support this screensaver.

    For me, deleting it from my Mac was as simple as right-clicking the ISS Screensaver in the Screen Saver panel and choosing "Delete". To manually remove it, you can open the Finder, browse to your personal Library, open the Screen Savers folder, locate the "ISS Screensaver" file, right-click it and select "Move to bin".

    To easily get to the Library folder, use the Shift + Command + L key combination, or open the Find, click "Go" at the top of the screen, then "Library".

    If you got the "Unable to delete" message, it's possible the screensaver was already deleted. Re-open the Screen Saver panel to check if it's still there.

    Hope that helps, please let me know if you have any further questions.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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