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I'd like to know the location of the bing wallpaper

the home screen doesn't provide a link to tell you about the place, but Bing does, sometimes if they are not advertising the Surface laptop. sometimes I just like to know where these places are.

Susan2 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

1 reply

  • Hi Susan,

    It's a common question here on the site, and I agree it's frustrating that they don't (always) show you the location where the image on the Lock Screen was taken.

    For me, it varies with each photo, perhaps because Microsoft doesn't have the location information available for every single image, I'm not really sure.

    A roundabout way of finding out what the location is might be to take a picture of the screen and run that image through Google Images (search by image).

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 years ago

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