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I dont see an install button

When i right click the .scr file it does not show a install button

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Filip5 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

1 reply

  • Hello Filip,

    Thanks for posting to the message board. Did you extract the .scr file from the ZIP archive? It's important that you right-click the file as it appears in the folder that you extracted it to previously. So if you extracted (copied) it to the Windows folder on your hard drive, e.g. C:\Windows, then you would have to find the .scr file in that folder using the File Explorer, then right-click it and select "Install".

    (Technically, once a .scr file is copied to the Windows folder, it's installed. Only when you place it in a different folder will you have to right-click and select "Install".)

    If you right-click the .scr file in the "Compressed Folder Tools" window of the File Explorer, i.e. where you view the contents of the ZIP archive, you won't get an "Install" option, only "Open", "Copy", "Cut", "Delete", and "Properties".

    (This is because the file is largely unusable to Windows while it's still contained within the archive. You can only install a copy of the file that's outside of the archive.)

    Usually the File Explorer will automatically open the destination folder after you've extracted files from a ZIP archive, so you don't have to manually browse to it.

    I hope that answers your question. If not, please let me know and we'll look further.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)5 years ago

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