i-Mac gets stuck running Aerial screensaver
Since I updated the very beautiful screen saver, my I-Mac gets stuck.:-(
A moderator edited this post 5 years ago: Clarified the title.
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5 years ago
macOS 10.14, Firefox
3 replies
Hello Annette,
Thanks for posting to the message board.
Before I can help you, could you let me know what screensaver you're using?
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
It is called Aerial. I used the old version on my I-mac without problem, but now that there was the update with the names of the places (which I love) I have started having problems.
I am currently using MacOS Mojave, Version 10.14.6Annette
5 years ago
That's odd. One thing you could try is install the latest beta version (1.5.1beta12) to see if that makes a difference. Here's a direct link to the file: Aerial.saver.zip
If that doesn't help, can you explain in detail what happens when your Mac freezes? I can use that information to file a bug report on your behalf.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
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