ionstalling a screensaver
I followed the instructions, but when I right-clicked on the 'Windows' folder there was no 'install' option; I tried 'paste' instead but when I opened the screensaver control-panel my selected screensaver (pipes) was *not* there.
What now?
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E. M. Awalt
2 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Firefox
1 reply
Sorry if the instructions were not clear enough. The "3D Pipes.scr" files needs to be placed inside the Windows folder, then you need to right-click the file (not the Windows folder) and choose "Install". Or simply open the Screen Saver Settings panel, any screensaver file inside the Windows folder will automatically appear there.
Seeing as it's not appearing for you, are you sure the "3D Pipes.scr" file is inside the Windows folder? See also: How to install a screensaver from a ZIP file
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
2 years ago
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