Is there a Ventura version of Jack O Lantern
Have used this saver for over a decade but I've just switched to ventura and it tells me to download a newer version, I can't really find that a new version exists. Can you advise if or when there might be a version for 13 Ventura.
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1 year ago
macOS 10.15.7, Safari
1 reply
Thanks for letting us know. It looks like there's a newer version of this screensavers available. I've just updated the file on the site, so if you download it again you should get the latest version, which ought to work on macOS versions 10.13 and newer.
Here's a direct link to the new file: Jack-O-Lantern.zip
Hope that works for you on Ventura!
A moderator edited this post 1 year ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
1 year ago
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