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is there a way to change settings for the johnny screensaver?

is there a way to toggle clouds on/off, waves on/off or somethign like that?

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ISeaTheIse2 months agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

1 reply

  • The original screensaver had a few settings:

    Settings panel of the Johnny Castaway screensaver

    It allowed you to turn off the background, set a password, toggle sounds and change the start time of day. You couldn't toggle the waves or clouds individually.

    If you used the installer from the tutorial, you'll only have the option to toggle sound.

    If you don't currently see any clouds or waves, it's probably because these aren't shown at evening or night time, only in the daytime (as per your computer clock).

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 months ago

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