Is there anyway to enlarge screesaver vertical height
I have one screen at 1920x1080 and another at 1080x1920 the screen saver fills the first screen and runs off into the second screen but the top part of the monitor in portrait mode still shows desktop. See Images
screensaver image
desktop layout image
If this can be fixed I love the screensaver!!!!
Linked pages
4 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
4 replies
Hello Jeremy,
Thanks for posting to the message board. I've passed on your issue to the developer of the SpinCycles screensaver. Personally, I'm inclined to think most screensavers in our archive would have trouble filling both screens in this set-up.
However, if the problem is mostly that the desktop still shows, and not that the screensaver doesn't fill the entire screen, then perhaps that's easier to resolve.
I'll wait for a response from the developer and keep you posted.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 years ago
Thank you for the response!
Jeremy j Kline
4 years ago
The developer has just responded with a possible solution:
"The screen saver takes no account of the virtual desktop. In the Windows display settings, when you have multiple monitors you can position them on a virtual background. For example, you can stack the monitors vertically, put a gap between them, etc. This will mess up the screensaver. To fix the issue, make sure the monitors are arranged on the virtual desktop side by side and the tops level."
Please let us know if that fixes it for you.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 years ago
The screensaver has now been updated to "allow monitors to be stacked vertically as well as horizontally. They still cannot be misaligned though."
You might also like the Contrails screensaver, by the same author.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 years ago
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