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Johnny Castaway screen saver ""

Could not locate for johnny Castaway screensaver. Link did not work. Using Chrome and Win7 64 bit

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Anonymous7 years agoWindows 7 x64, Google Chrome

3 replies

  • Hi there,

    You are referring to this link, I presume?

    It seems to be working here, and I'm not seeing any errors during your visit today. Please try again using the link above and let me know what happens.


    Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago

  • Downloaded fine. Will open later. Thanks

    Doug7 years ago

  • Rob,
    Is there anyway you could make a youtube video of you downloading the screensaver correctly? I keep trying but I cant make it work! lol
    I'm on a windows 10 - 64bit.

    Jackie7 years ago

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