LCARS 47 Screensaver no longer working because of Flash not supported
I see a ton of the same comments as mine!! This SS no longer works because of flash missing (no longer supported!!) :( Please address this and what can be done?? Any alternatives or workarounds??? This was an excellent SS and would hate to lose it 😢
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Michael Frank
4 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
3 replies
Hi Michael,
I'm hopeful that we'll find a workaround, but we're not quite there yet. It's possible to get it working again by installing an older version of Flash Player, but there is a bit of security risk involved with that, so we'd like to find a better solution.
Sorry for the inconvenience! I'll post back when I have news.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
4 years ago
Thanks Rob, please keep me posted as I would rather not install an old version of flash... Can we keep this thread open until there is an update? Also, there is not a way to see which Win10 Animated SSs are non-flash when I tried to search for others..
Thanks for the fast reply!
Michael Frank
4 years ago
Hi Michael,
Sorry for the delay. I now have a workaround and I was wondering if you'd be interesting in testing it? You can download the installer here: System47Installer.exe
Make sure you've deleted the old version of the screensaver first.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
3 years ago
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