Living Aquarium won't install on Windows 10
I have a new desktop PC running windows 10 to take the load off my poor laptop. I tried to load Living Aquarium 2. When I start the exe file a screen appears that says I need flashplayer installed. It has an option to get flash player, but when I click it, it says I do not have an internet connection, which I do. I have two separate browsers, each verified to have the latest flashplayer installed and enabled. Any info about this problem would be appreciated.
A moderator edited this post 8 years ago: Linked several other screensavers that have the same issue.
Linked pages
- My 3D Christmas Tree screensaver
- Night Before Christmas 3D screensaver
- 3D Four Seasons screensaver
- Living Marine Aquarium 2 screensaver
J.R.8 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome
4 replies
Hi J.R., thanks for posting.
We have found a solution for this issue. The installer for this screensaver is looking for the Flash Player plug-in in the Windows registry, but in a place where it no longer exists in Windows 10, so it assumes you do not have the plug-in (even though Windows 10 comes with Adobe Flash pre-installed and the screensaver can work just fine).
The solution is to create those missing registry entries and fool the installer into thinking they were there in the first place. Download this file, then open it. Click "Yes" when the Registry editor asks you to confirm that you want to import the data from the file into the registry, then click "OK" the complete the process.
Locate the Living Marine Aquarium 2 screensaver file (marine2.exe) in your Downloads folder (or download it again) and double-click it to start the installation program. You should no longer receive an error related to the Flash plug-in.
During the installation process, you will be asked to run a test to determine the optimal display settings. On Windows 10, you must do this or the screensaver will not work. If you skipped the test in the installer, you can still run it from the screensaver's settings menu: click the "Video" tab, then click "Test my system for optimal settings".
Hope that helps!
A moderator edited this post 8 years ago: Edited post to include solution.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)8 years ago
I downloaded the file to correct the problem but, WEBROOT found another threat file. Malware Group: W32.Adware. Gen it says that the file is located in c:\users\jim stewart\marine2.exe.
James Stewart7 years ago
Thanks for letting me know, James. I've reported it to Webroot as a false positive.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago
Webroot has confirmed that it was a false alarm. The marine2.exe file should no longer be marked as containing adware, but it can take around 24 hours for the virus definitions to be updated and also propagated to your computer.
Hope that helps!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago
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