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Looking for Mac beta testers for new and great looking screen saver

Hello all,
I am almost done developing a new screen saver for macOS. I wrote it so it should support Monterey and Ventura. Before releasing it I am looking for some beta testers, which mean you need to have a Mac that run Monterey or Ventura and with a decent graphic card.

It does support multiple screens, and definitely will grab people’s attention when activated, but it is quite GPU and network intensive since it does various complex 3D rendering. Because the screen saver rely on Apple proprietary framework, it will only be available for macOS (I maybe able to have some tvOS and iOS app but undo not as screen savers since Apple doesn’t offer API for screen savers on those platforms).

Please contact me at betatester [at] tomyrealemail [dot] com

And yes the domain name for the email is “tomyrealemail” which will forward it to my proper email address.

Stephen2 years agomacOS 10.15.7, Safari

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  • Happy to test it for you, Stephen. I've sent you an e-mail.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)2 years ago

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