Mac Flying Toasters Freezes after 5 seconds
Hi, this screensaver freezes about 5 seconds after it kicks in on my Mac. It started doing this around 2 - 4 months ago. Maybe an OS update by Apple has something to do with it? I am at the current OS now.
Linked pages
7 years ago
macOS 10.13, Firefox
1 reply
Hello Miles,
Thanks for posting to the message board.
I'm unable to reproduce your issue on OS X 10.13.2. I let it run for a couple of minutes and have experienced no freezes. I assume you're referring to the Flying Toasters screensaver that I have just linked to your post above? There's also the ToasterClone screensaver, but it's quite old and may not work with High Sierra.
Does the screensaver exit cleanly as soon as you press a key on the keyboard, even though the screen was frozen? Does it also happen when you preview Flying Toasters in the Screen Saver panel? Have you tried uninstalling and then re-installing it?
A moderator edited this post 7 years ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
7 years ago
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