Moonlit Ship - why 24 hour and not 12 hour format ?
Can the "Moonlit Ship" screensaver be set to 12 hour format instead of 24 Hour
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bill4 years agoWindows 7 x64, SeaMonkey
1 reply
Hello Bill,
Thanks for posting to the message board, and sorry for the delay.
Unfortunately, this screensaver only supports the 24-hour time format (often referred to as military time in English-speaking countries where the 12-hour clock is the default). Perhaps this is because the author of the screensaver is based in Russia, where they use the 24-hour format. Some screensavers offer the option to toggle between 12 and 24 hours, but for some reason this one does not.
If it's a deal-breaker, and I can imagine it is, hopefully you can find another clock screensaver in our archive that you like and that supports the 12-hour format.
A moderator edited this post 4 years ago.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago
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