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How can I get this Matrix screen saver to display over multiple monitors? I have two additional monitors connected to my laptop. When the screen saver activates, it ONLY displays on my laptop screen, but NOT the other two external monitors. How can I remedy this problem??

Sal7 years agoWindows 8 x64, Google Chrome

1 reply

  • Hello Sal, thanks for posting to the message board.

    Which Matrix screensaver are you referring to? We have 12 in our archive and you haven't linked one to your post. Not all of them support multi-monitor set-ups. I know Matrix Mania does, but that one is not free. Perhaps you can try a few of the other Matrix screensavers to see if any of them support multiple monitors.

    Please report back if you find one, it's good for us (and others) to know!

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago

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