No Signal don't work on w7 64x
Just blank screen and the same when I try to open settings - black window
Linked pages
7 years ago
Windows 7 x64, Firefox
1 reply
Hi there,
Thanks for posting to the message board.
It seems to work on my Windows 10 64-bit computer, although there is a slight delay (where the screen stays black) before the static shows up, and it doesn't fill the whole screen. Unfortunately, I don't think it has a settings panel either.
Have you looked at the Static screensaver, as an alternative? That one does fill the screen, and was tested to work on Windows 7 64-bit, although that was a while ago.
You will probably have to right-click that staticsetup.exe file you download and select "Run as administrator", otherwise the installer may not have the required permissions.
Hope that helps.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
7 years ago
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