Nyan Cat screensaver broken
I'm running Windows 7 Pro 64-bit. I switched the screen saver to "none" for a day or so a couple of weeks back to keep a closer watch on my email if I recall correctly. I believe it was during that time that my system was automatically updated. Now when I try to use that screensaver I get the error "ExceptionEOleSysError in module NyanCat.scr at 000784DE. Library not registered". I downloaded and installed it again, no difference.
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5 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Firefox
9 replies
Hello Jon,
Sorry to learn you're having trouble with this screensaver. Unfortunately, I'm unable to replicate this on a Windows 7 computer at this time, perhaps in part because, for some reason, one of the latest updates fails to install.
I can't tell from your error message which dependency the screensaver is now missing, so this is difficult to troubleshoot. You could try rolling back the last Windows updates to see if that makes a difference, but eventually you will have to re-install those again so that your system remains protected (although Windows 7 will, of course, stop receiving security updates from January 2020).
While we did not create this screensaver, I might be able to convert it in such a way that it removes the need for the library that it currently breaks on. So if you'd really like to keep the screensaver, I can try that and post a download link here.
I can't guarantee it will work, because I don't know the exact source of the issue, but perhaps it's worth a shot. Let me know if you're interested and I'll get on it.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
Sure, as long as it's no trouble. :) It's the only screen saver I use.
5 years ago
No trouble at all, I was just asking because sometimes people do not check back.
Try this one: Nyan_Cat_Screensaver.exe
If it works for you, I will probably replace the original file on the site with this one.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
Unfortunately it doesn't, and the installer seemed quite buggy; I had to try twice to get that going. The dialogue boxes were there and gone so fast I couldn't get much detail. One error I did pick up read something like "this screensaver was designed for Windows 8. Some features may not work in Windows 7". Unlike before though, if I try to preview it the screen just goes black. A screensaver debugger window opened the first time I tried preview. Whether I can access the text that appeared in it I don't know, I wouldn't know where to look. I took a peek in the event viewer but didn't see anything.
5 years ago
That's too bad, it look like most screensavers built with this software are no longer working on Windows 7. Hopefully you were able to remove it again.
If you're still up for it, I built another one: Nyan_Cat_Screensaver_SF.exe
You can also download the .SCR file directly here: Nyan_Cat_Screensaver_SF.scr
I've tested this one to work on Windows 7, but the original also worked for me so I can't be sure it will work for you, too. Fingers crossed!
Note that the Adobe Flash plug-in is required for all of these screensavers to work well. If you're not sure you have it, here's a direct link: Flash Player 32 ActiveX
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
The standalone screensaver is a runner! Props to you. The installer won't run on my system but it's probably due for an overhaul anyway considering all the brief power failures since I last did it. I really need a UPS for this thing.
5 years ago
Great! Just put it into your Windows folder manually and you won't need an installer.
You'll probably want to upgrade to Windows 10 before January 14. I've used Windows 7 for a long time, and resisted the upgrade to 10 at first but it's improved quite a bit since the initial release and I'm quite happy with it now. There are apps available, like Start10, to help make the transition a little less daunting.
Anyway, glad we got the screensaver working for you again.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
It seems now that I have no reason not to upgrade to 10, considering how it has improved and that it looks like MS isn't going to dump it for something totally new within a couple of years. I've been through several major releases of Windows, never had a problem with transitioning. :)
5 years ago
Wise decision to skip Windows 8, though ;-) It's always good to wait it out at first.
I've had the upgrade go bad on a few PCs, usually due to third-party anti-virus protection, so I always uninstall that before upgrading these days (and the built-in Windows Defender provides ample protection in my personal experience).
Thankfully, you can still get the upgrade for free, too.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
5 years ago
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