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Panomax screensaver don't work on Win7

My panomax screensaver don't work on windows 7 from 2021-09!

Error log:
2021-11-12 11:34:17.9807 ERROR Exception while executing getImagePart() of PanomaxImageSourceAndDetailsProvider: An error occurred while sending the request.

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Laci3 years agoWindows 7 x64, Firefox

3 replies

  • Sorry for the delay, I was trying to fix the old screensaver but it turns out a new version of the Panomax screensaver was released a few months ago. Please uninstall the version you now have installed, then download it again from this site.

    The old version is not going to work anymore, but hopefully the new one will also work on Windows 7, I only tested it on Windows 10 just now.

    Thanks for reporting the issue, I wouldn't have found the new version otherwise.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)3 years ago

  • Hello,
    I use v4.2.0, this is the newest version (2021-04-02)
    I think, this is not compatible with some windows7 update.... I can't find any other explanation, it doesn't work on either of my computers.
    I'm so sorry it's one of the best screensavers in the world for me.

    Laci3 years ago

  • I just tested it on two Windows 7 computers and don't get the same error as you, but it's not working either. It hangs on "Loading [...] takes longer than expected".

    Windows 7 is no longer a priority for software developers, because the operating system is no longer supported by Microsoft. If you ever upgrade to Windows 10 or 11, you should be able to use the Panomax screensaver again.

    Sorry for the inconvenience.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)3 years ago

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