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Photos in screensaver are black and white

Two questions:

1. All photos in file are colored. Frequently, they show black and white on the screen. Why?

2. Cannot shut down screensaver window without closing the lid on laptop. Why?

Thank you.....Aaron Seandel

Anonymous7 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

1 reply

  • Hello Aaron, thanks for posting.

    I will need a few more details from you before I can help you with these 2 issues.

    1. Which screensaver are you using that shows the photos? The "Photos" screensaver that comes with Windows 10 does not add any effects to the photos it shows, so perhaps you are using a different screensaver; alternatively, perhaps there are black-and-white copies of the photos somewhere in the same folder on your computer.

    2. Are you trying to close the Screen Saver Settings panel? What happens when you click the "OK" or "Cancel" buttons, or the "X" button in the top right corner of the window? Do the other functions of the panel work OK?

    Let me know and I'll do my best to help you resolve these problems.


    A moderator edited this post 7 years ago.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)7 years ago

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