Preferences not saving for Hyperspace screensaver
Hi All,
I have the Hyperspace screensaver installed but the settings are not saving. I'm thinking it might be a permission thing but I'm at a loss. Any ideas
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Alan Hanley
8 years ago
macOS 10.12, Safari
2 replies
Hello Alan,
Thanks for posting. It turns out that the version of the Hyperspace screensaver we had in our archive (2.0) was outdated, and after testing I can confirm that its settings are not saving. Thankfully, it looks like that problem is fixed in version 2.1, so I have updated the file on our servers. Please remove the Hyperspace screensaver from your Mac, then download the new file and use it to re-install the screensaver.
Hope that works for you, too! Sorry for the inconvenience.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
8 years ago
Got it installed, I'll let you know how I go.
Thanks for the help Rob,
AlanAlan Hanley
8 years ago
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