Razer screensavers: white screen?
I m using a screen saver from razer and its coming up white and nothing else
7 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
9 replies
It looks like the Razer Fragged and Razer Respawn screensavers (available here) have an implementation of Flash that is no longer supported by Windows 7, 8 and 10. They may still work on older versions of Windows like XP and Vista, but I can see that you're running Windows 10. They don't seem to work on macOS either.
I may be able to repackage the screensavers in a way that will make them run on Windows 10 (and macOS), but that may take some time.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
7 years ago
If you managed to do it, can you maybe post a downloadlink on here?
6 years ago
Not at the time, but I did manage to repackage the Razer Fragged screensaver just now, and I tested it to work on Windows 10. I only repackaged the Fragged screensaver because it was a bit more interesting than the Respawn screensaver.
You can download the Razer Fragged screensaver directly via this link.
Hope it works for you, too!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
Thanks, that was the one i wanted to use
6 years ago
How does the executable for the screensaver work? How do i use it?
6 years ago
Are you on Windows? If so, the executable is an installer that will guide you through the steps. Note that you may have to bypass a SmartScreen warning first.
If you're on a Mac, I'll have to build a different file for that. Just let me know.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
ok i got it working, thanks
6 years ago
it was just that avast thought it was a virus, but i got it working
6 years ago
Sorry about that, false alarms are quite common with screensavers. The VirusTotal scan report did not raise a flag with Avast, or with any of the other anti-virus engines, so I did not expect a problem. I'm glad you got it working anyway. Enjoy!
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
6 years ago
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