Santa's Workshop
I know adobe has killed flash. There are still a lot of great screensavers out there though that need flash to run. Especially those from Freeze and RI Soft. Does anybody know a hack to use something else to run screensavers like 'Santa's Workshop' or others like it to run? Can 'flash' using screensavers be converted somehow to run at all. Thank you for any help or input. I am convinced that something can be done to run all screensavers. Thank you all and stay well.
3 years ago
Windows 8.1 x64, Firefox
4 replies
Hi Ron,
You'll find that many of those Freeze screensavers continue to work because only their settings panels require Flash, not the screensavers themselves. Sometimes the installation program will fail if it cannot find or install Flash, but in those cases you can use our registry hack to bypass that Flash check. This will be listed in the description of those screensavers (as a "Known issue").
You'll find that the Santa's Workshop screensaver currently on the site works without having Flash installed. Unfortunately, at this time it doesn't include any sound.
Are there any particular screensavers you're hoping to run again?
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
3 years ago
Thank you for your help. I am computer literate but lost you on the part ' you can use our registry hack to bypass that Flash check.' Where is this registry hack? It sounds like the answer I'm looking for. If you can be more specific with locations of said instructins, that would be a great start. Thank you again and stay well.
3 years ago
Sorry about that, Ron. Some of the Freeze screensavers on this site, like 3D Four Seasons, will have a known issue listed in the description, which includes a link to a file named ScreensaversPlanet_Flash_Fix.reg. When you download and run this file, a small change is made in the Windows Registry that fools the Freeze installer into thinking that Flash is installed, so that it can proceed with the installation process.
This is only helpful for those screensavers that have this listed in the description as a known issue, it doesn't work for other screensavers that require Flash, because it can't fix Flash no longer being available for Windows or Mac computers.
Some Flash-based screensavers have been converted in such a way that it's not necessary to have Flash installed to make them run. This is not possible for all screensavers, but if you have any specific ones you'd like to see working again, let me know.
Hope that clears it up a bit. Feel free to reply with any further questions.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
3 years ago
Thanks Rob. You have been more than helpful. Thanks again and stay well.
3 years ago
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