Screen saver on only one monitor, not both
Hello and sorry if this is already somewhere, as I am sure it is. I have followed the ZIP file instalation and have flying toasters as a screen saver option in screen saver settings. However, it only shows up on one of my two desktop monitors. Is there a setting I can change? Thanks for providing this, it's so cool!
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2 years ago
Windows 10 x64, Google Chrome
1 reply
Hello Jim,
Unfortunately, not all screensavers have support for multiple monitors. I've justed tested this one and can confirm it only works on one monitor.
I also tried the two other Flying Toasters screensavers on the site but they're the same. I'll see if I can find one that works on multiple monitors but not sure I'll find one.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
2 years ago
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