Screen savers
I wold like to know how to find the location of the screen savers photos on my echo show 5
Len Raley
2 years ago
GNU/Linux x64, Google Chrome
1 reply
The Echo Show can show photos from various sources, so it depends. There are built-in photo albums like "Art, Nature & Travel" or "Modern", and additionally you can connect the device to photo services like Amazon Photos or Facebook. It will then automatically pull photos from those sources to display on your Echo Show 5.
So where the photos are depends on the way you've set up your Echo.
To find out, go to Settings > Home & Clock > Clock > Clock & Photo Display.
There you'll find the configuration of the Echo's screensaver. Hopefully you'll then be able to figure out where the photos are coming from.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
Rob (Screensavers Planet)
2 years ago
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