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screen savers not working

I downloaded 4 screen savers and none of them is working on my computer! Any suggestions how to make them work, since flash player is not available anymore? I think Microsoft needs to update their site and adjust their screen savers and anything else that used to work with flash player!!

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Shessy494 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

1 reply

  • Most of the screensavers were not created by Microsoft. The Crackling Fire Log screensaver, for example, was created by the company Duraflame. Unfortunately, it uses Flash technology, like many other screensaver, and no longer works.

    We're investigating various possible workarounds, and working on adding labels to the screensavers on the site to indicate whether or not they require Flash.

    Please check back in a week or so.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)4 years ago

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