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Screensaver stopped running. Cannot run new one

I downloaded Matrix ScreenSaver 3.0 on my Windows 10 x 64 machine (running Chrome). I followed the installation instructions. I can see the screensaver when I go to me settings. I can even run the preview on all four monitors. However, it will not launch and run no matter how long the system is running. I even backed it all the way down to one minute. I don't know what to do. I had another screensaver that suddenly stopped running for no reason. Does it have something to do with a recent Windows update? Could it also be caused by Norton? Any suggestions about what might be causing the issue?

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Perry3 years agoWindows 10 x64, Google Chrome

1 reply

  • Hi Perry,

    I tried it on several computers running Windows 10 or 11 and wasn't able to replicate your issue. The Matrix screensaver comes on once the wait time has passed.

    It's possible some other program on your computer is interfering. It could be your Norton anti-virus or something else. You can try disabling as many running programs as you can and then see if that makes any difference.

    But still it's odd that this is happening now, and not before. I'm not aware of any Windows updates that could interfere, my Windows 10 computers are all up to date.

    Rob (Screensavers Planet)3 years ago

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